Ranking ligas Naf

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#NAF: 10282
Ubicación: El Prat

Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por murley »

Me dirijo a toda la comunidad española de BB para anunciar la intención de la Naf de crear un sistema de rankings para ligas.

El amigo generaljason ha recibido autorización de Lycos para implementarlo. De momento estamos en fase de recopilación de información y estudio de requerimientos. Por eso es importante, si podéis aportar algo hacerlo. Os dejo un link al post:

http://member.thenaf.net/index.php?name ... torder=asc

De momento me voy a encargar de recopilar toda la información de las ligas españolas para facilitar la faena. Os comento un poco por encima lo que se ha hablado:

Criterios mínimos:
01. Todos los miembros han de ser Naf
02. 6 jugadores
03. LRB 5/6
04. Tener "presencia online" por ejemplo un gestor como OBBLM or Aros.

Estos puntos se están discutiendo. El punto 1 ha sido criticado y parece ser que la mejor idea es hacer como en los torneos. Pueden haber no naf y si juegas contra uno el partido no cuenta.

El punto 4 también suscita polémica porque existen un sinfín de gestores para ligas que cada uno ha ido haciendo. Será obligatorio tener un gestor abierto (para poder comprobar cuando te subió ese wardancer fuerza por ejemplo)

También habrá unas categorías para clasificar las ligas:
Gold: sin house rules. Partidos organizados (con calendario)
Silver: sin house rules. Partidos abiertos (sin calendario)
Bronze: House rules. Partidos organizados (con calendario) o abiertos.

Iré actualizando el post con la información definitiva. Os animo a todos a participar!
.. y peto por tos laos!
Mensajes: 760
Registrado: Jue Mar 30, 2006 1:17 am
#NAF: 10282
Ubicación: El Prat

Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por murley »

Guardo este post para recopilar información de las ligas que se quieran apuntar a la inciativa:

League: Liga Sección Reconocimiento
link: http://www.lsr.hol.es/obblm
Members: 6
House rules: Stadiums, +1 foul action, 1sp per foul, 3sp per kill, there's a bounty for killing the league MVP
Aditional info: LRB6, Scheduled matches(It's a priority to play all matches at same time, same place)

League: Unako League
link: http://www.unakoleague.hol.es
Members: 8
House rules: NO
Aditional info: LRB6, Scheduled matches
.. y peto por tos laos!
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#NAF: 2757
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Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por tirkha »

La villaverde se apuntará, seguro.

Me surgen dudas (muchas) con la parte técnica de cómo se van a pasar los datos a la naf. Paso a expresarlas:
- ¿Qué significa "tener un gestor abierto"? ¿Tengo que darle el código de mi gestor a la naf? ¿Y la password de mi hosting para que compruebe que no modifico el código despues de darselo?
- ¿Va a generar un api la naf para que podamos subir directamente los datos desde el gestor o será en base a ficheros que se cargan en la naf? (Auguro un futuro incierto en caso de que sea la segunda opción)

El resto de preguntas (las capciosas, sobre todo) las dejo para Pakulkan :-P o para cuando se resuelvan las dos preguntas anteriores.

Muchas gracias por el anuncio Mur
Miguel Ángel (Tirkha)
"La suerte no da nada; tan sólo lo presta", Proverbio sueco
Imagen Member #2757
Mensajes: 760
Registrado: Jue Mar 30, 2006 1:17 am
#NAF: 10282
Ubicación: El Prat

Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por murley »

tirkha escribió:La villaverde se apuntará, seguro.

Me surgen dudas (muchas) con la parte técnica de cómo se van a pasar los datos a la naf. Paso a expresarlas:
- ¿Qué significa "tener un gestor abierto"? ¿Tengo que darle el código de mi gestor a la naf? ¿Y la password de mi hosting para que compruebe que no modifico el código despues de darselo?
Por abierto se entiende que yo pueda entrar al gestor de tu liga sin necesidad de estar jugándola ni tener usuario. Creo que la mayoría de gestores que usamos cumplen este requisito. La idea es que sea el gestor el que se conecte y suba los datos.
tirkha escribió: - ¿Va a generar un api la naf para que podamos subir directamente los datos desde el gestor o será en base a ficheros que se cargan en la naf? (Auguro un futuro incierto en caso de que sea la segunda opción)

El resto de preguntas (las capciosas, sobre todo) las dejo para Pakulkan :-P o para cuando se resuelvan las dos preguntas anteriores.

Muchas gracias por el anuncio Mur
Hay una pregunta parecida en hilo del foro Naf:

Código: Seleccionar todo

Ultimately we just need people to be able to show their work. Ideally I'd like everyone to use OBBLM, but that would be selfish of me because I use it, and it would be ignoring the fantastic program Casper uses. If a program could be employed to translate to one hub I'd be in favour of that, but I question the know-how or feasibility of such software.

For those that wish to make the conversion we will have IT guys to help set up the software. 
Entiendo que empezarán con OBBLM y el gestor ArosBB. Crear la API que comentas sería lo mejor, así se podría implementar en diferentes gestores. Apunto la pregunta y la traslado al foro a ver si pueden especificar algo más
.. y peto por tos laos!
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Registrado: Sab Jul 14, 2012 11:35 pm
#NAF: 15265

Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por generaljason »

No hablo español. Mis apologías.

I noticed that the last post in the NAF message boards for Spain was back in July so I figured it would be best to post here. :)

For those who don't know me, my name is Craig McAree. The 'General Jason' handle was the name of my first Head Coach: Jason Voorhees coaching an Undead team after he was done with Crystal Lake. The name morphed into my Blood Bowl handle to the point that people still call me Jason but that's ok.

I was introduced to Blood Bowl in Junior High, back in 1989 and Second Edition. Like most I liked the game but lost interest and the game collected dust. The rules back then were just way too wonky. I was reintroduced to Blood Bowl when Third Edition was the rage back in 1999 and I've been playing in a League every month every since.

I've been running the Thunderbowl Blood Bowl League since it's inception back in 1999, as well at the Spike! Magazine Tournament since 2008.

NAF League:

NAF has appointed me League Director with the goal of:
- researching how many active Leagues are out there
- how many Leagues currently have data
- what is the feasibility of the current available data vs. required server space
- what is the feasibility of new or updated software
- forming a Committee of global Commissioners to shape a League Approval Document, as well as design, rules and structure

I can't promise that this venture will be feasible which is why it's in the Research stage right now. But what I can promise is that there will be a comprehensive section of the forum for leagues and support from now on no matter how this plays out. There will be a Downloads section for coaches looking for printable Match Reports, Treasuries, and SPPs Sheets that my League uses to record data in progressive matches, only these ones will bear a NAF logo. There will also be a Commissioner's guide added to the League section for new Leagues starting out, as well as an 'OBBLM for Dummies' document. (I'm not laughing as I'm one of them)

I can also promise that no one will be excluded based on what house rules they may employ to the current rule set. We will add filters to separate leagues with similar rule sets into groups simply for data purity, much like the desired goal of Tournaments to separate Variant game data from Core.

First Step:

Register your League on the NAF League boards. I put my own league in the sticky as well. The criteria I've used in the Thunderbowl entry is an example of things you may wish to add. Name, location, Commissioner and contact info should be first and foremost strictly for those wishing to make contact with your League and hopefully join as a result of seeing it.

Things that I added in my own entry were Venue as we host a public Game day once per month. Your Established date is a nice detail, Number of Active Coaches is also a plus. I added Number of Seasons but added a further detail of Number of LRB 5/6 Seasons as these would be the only ones worth looking at from a data stand point. And I added a Data entry because this is a question I will ask for those Leagues who already have data via a db that they could submit for the first iteration.

What kind of Schedule do you play - Open or Fixed? Play-offs? Do you play straight LRB 6.0 or do you play with some House rules? Do you have a link to your League Rules for prospective players? For Coaches wishing to join, the Duration of your seasons, how often do you play (Frequency of Play), and how many games per season are 3 big questions when committing to playing in a progressive League.

If you have a local Forum, linking that in your entry post is a good idea, as well as Email. And if you have a Calendar of events - definitely add that!

If you have a Database be sure to list it. OBBLM preferred, Aros is good too. If it is feasible, those with already existing databases will be eligible to join the first iteration of a NAF global League database.

The Dream:

My goal is to unite ALL the leagues of the world onto a global NAF League database. I want to separate those leagues according to rulesets and structure to the point that Leagues could start playing each other given they play the same game. Call them Probowls - progressive league tournaments with a similar tournament schedule but full league rules - deaths, money, spps, skills, inducements, the works, and a database to make that happen.

I want us to the point that if a coach who played in one country in a Fixed Straight LRB 6.0 League for example, got a job transfer to another country with a similar local league, that coach could transfer his team over to their database and start playing with that team again in a new league.

I want the most comprehensive collection of table top Leagues and progressive data there is, so that if there ever was a revisit to the LRB 6.0 there would be a division of the cleanest data available on a global setting. But most importantly, I want to see the hobby expand here and put those communities that don't host tournaments but run a local League on the map.

First Iteration:

After the completion of the First Step - Commissioners and Leagues identifying themselves, we can separate the Leagues that have data to be included in the first iteration of data entry for NAF League. This will depend on a few things:

- the amount of data vs. server costs
- updated software to facilitate a global league database and the feasibility of that venture
- deliberations regarding League structure, rules and divisions on said database involving the community
- the finalization of a NAF League Approval Document approved by a League Committee.

League Committee:

If everything comes to pass and we've gotten this far, I'll be forming an email group where we will discuss what is needed in a NAF League Approval Document, what filters we will use to separate data groups, such as: straight rules - fixed schedule or open, house - fixed schedule or open, possibly variant games, what constitutes house rules and that sort of thing.

I'll be taking 2 guys from my own league for specific jobs, but I'll be looking for regional reps from preferably all the big Blood Bowl nations to form that Committee. I want all communities input and nobody left out. This is not going to be a Vancouver-only agenda just to be clear. Other Commissioners are going to see things I'm not going to see and so I value all constructive input.

Thanks for reading all that guys! I eagerly look forward to what NAF League may become.

Best regards,
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Registrado: Lun Abr 26, 2004 9:56 pm
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Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por JoaNET »

Chicos, apuntad vuestras ligas a la página de la NAF

Que esto lo puso hace meses y cae en saco roto.

Me parece una gran iniciativa, si yo estuviese jugando una liga ya la habría inscrito sin duda.
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Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por kewan »


AAqui tenéis el acceso a donde están todas las ligas, apuntad la vuestra :wink:
Chou fan & follower
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Re: Ranking ligas Naf

Mensaje por kazan »

Liga inscrita. Una buena inicitavia. A ver dónde nos lleva :wink: .

Gracias por la información!